Make A Difference, 2021
Each year, UNA-CC chooses a project to match the UNA Day Celebration program and raise funds to support that organization. This year we will be raising funds to support the organization you heard about from our keynote speaker, Dr. Hughes: The PlantVillage.
PlantVillage is an innovative program that uses mobile phones, along with artificial intelligence (AI), drones, satellites, and nanotechnology to assist small farmers in Africa improve crop production.
Your gift ,in combination with other donations from UNA-CC members and friends, will allow PlantVillage to purchase mobile phones and other tools for villages. For example, a mobile phone, which costs $150, allows villagers to connect to AI sources and identify plant diseases and the way to fight it. The video below shows how this works in the field.
Making your gift go even further, your gift will be matched by a generous contribution by Jeff and Heidi Dean and his family. Jeff Dean grew up in East Africa and is Google lead artificial intelligence engineer and he is committed to the PlantVillage Project.
Watch the videos below and visit the PlantVillage website at to learn more about this organization and its amazing work.
Dr, Hughes talks about the origin of the idea behind PlantVillage.
Watch farmers use their mobile phone to identify a disease on the cassava plant.